Sunday, 9 November 2014

Waimarino Trip

-A paddle-

I see all the kids as the gallop down the brick stairs with excitement I see the bags and towels swinging past the millions of crossing feet. I hang there with the rest of the paddles upside down wait to be put to use. Water from the last group of kids is draining of the my head I hear the kids shouting with excitement waiting to jump into the water to get wet. The first kids that jumped in ran to the water trap to get on it before there were to many. They were shivering in the cold chilling wind of the morning.

I hear the kids giggle as they jump into the freezing river water they quickly swim to the ladder they launch themselves up to the top and jump around the sides looking for places to jump off and do tricks. Then I see people lining up right in front of me then I am grabbed and taken down to a kayak I was then pushed out into the river inside the kayak then I was grabbed and my head and feet started being dipped in the water I had to keep taking breaths as it got faster and fast I was getting dizzy.

I was going and a figure eight I got put back into the kayak I phew times for a breath but then it was the same nightmare over and over sometimes I would be under water for minutes I almost died.

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