Thursday 25 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

Rimu can be found everywhere in the north island and everywhere in the south apart from the mountains. Rimu can also be called Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu is also one of the largest evergreen trees in New Zealand Rimu is also a very good wood to make things out out of it is very popular to be used in making expensive furniture.

Rimu was important to Maori because when it's bark and leaves are boiled it make a lotion for healing wounds.The Rimu tree can grow up to 50 meters and at the top it has weeping branches They can live up to 1000 years Rimu was mostly important to the Moari for it's fruit but when eaten in large quantities it can have a constipation effect but a juice made from Tutu flowers counteracts this.

Rimu is the best tree in the school because it is the most useful and expensive and very easy to find they also grow very tall.And strong they also have many uses and thats why we are the best.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

For my final walk I went to Mc laren's falls park there are many tracks at Mc laren's falls.

First we walked around some of the lake to get to are track the track we went on was the Rimu and Totara track.

We were trying to find a Rimu tree there were lot's that looked like them but eventually we found one.

There is also a cafe there it is on the top of the will information of where all of the tracks start.
There are also fun things like kayaking, swimming, and camping but can't take your dogs there.There are big rocks on the water fall to have a nice refreshing swim in.You can also feed the ducks there very little kids like to do this allot some place are very popular for weddings like on short bridges.I really like going to the falls and is is very enjoyable plus my friend lives there so I get to see him.

Friday 19 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

On my last birthday I got a film camera and some film. So, for my homework challenge I developed the film at home with my dad.

These are the chemicals and this is the machine we used to develop the film.

There are some complicated instructions  to follow.

We then pored all the chemicals into the machine and waited for them to reach the correct temperature which is 37.8'.

Next we need to get the film out of the canister and into the tank.

This must be done in total darkness which is why my dad made this special room.

The film is now loaded into the tank we are ready to start developing.

We then took the film out of the tank and hung it up in the shower to dry.

You can now see the pictures starting to appear.

Here are some of my picture these have been scanned so you can see then as an image.

Rimu Homework challenge

For my homework challenge I have done another bake off! This time it was a head to head, me vs my brother. Mitchell made full chocolate cup cakes and I made chocolate chip muffins.

Here are all the instructions for the baking the chocolate chip muffins that I made.

I needed to pre heat the oven to 190'C.

I first 2 cups of flour in to the bowl and then placed in 125 grams of butter. I rubbed the butter and flour together until it was finely crumbed.

I then put in 1/2 of a cup of sugar to the mix and one cup of chocolate chips.

I made a well in the centre of the bowl.  I a separate bowl I mixed milk, sour cream, eggs, and golden syrup together.

I then poured the mix into the well and mixed them together until all the dry flower was wet.

I divided the mix into the cup cake tray and put them in the pre heated oven. I left the cup cakes in the oven for 15-18 minutes, I took them out when they were well risen and golden on the top.

I left them in the tray for 2-3 minutes and then ready to serve.

When we finished we had them judged by my mum and my sisters they said they liked the icing on my brothers but my one was the over all best.

Sunday 7 September 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. What causes cavities?
  2. What was the genius idea the scientists at OraganoBalance came up with to try combat cavities?
  3. What was the experiment they conducted to test their thesis? Was it successful?

1.When there is sugar left in your mouth and teeth and Bacteria feef of it causing your teeth to get holes.

2.because the L. paracasei cling on to the streptococci mutans, they do not allow them return to the tooth surface. This means that the simple acts of spitting or swallowing can help reduce the numbers present in the mouth.

3.They got 2 batches of sweets and put bacteria on 1 and one had none on it.