Sunday 30 November 2014

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients.

Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.

Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.

Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours

Sunday 23 November 2014

Life ED video

  1. What your group did well? A good scripted.
  2. What would YOU do differently next time? Be a better actor.
  3. Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
Criteria: Re record for better acting.
  1. Teamwork
Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
  1. Quality of message -
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
  1. Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention
  1. Sound quality
Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Thursday 13 November 2014


I think I did quite good with my felt rock I think it looks cool and it has my best colours on it
I also did better then I thought I did.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino Trip

-A paddle-

I see all the kids as the gallop down the brick stairs with excitement I see the bags and towels swinging past the millions of crossing feet. I hang there with the rest of the paddles upside down wait to be put to use. Water from the last group of kids is draining of the my head I hear the kids shouting with excitement waiting to jump into the water to get wet. The first kids that jumped in ran to the water trap to get on it before there were to many. They were shivering in the cold chilling wind of the morning.

I hear the kids giggle as they jump into the freezing river water they quickly swim to the ladder they launch themselves up to the top and jump around the sides looking for places to jump off and do tricks. Then I see people lining up right in front of me then I am grabbed and taken down to a kayak I was then pushed out into the river inside the kayak then I was grabbed and my head and feet started being dipped in the water I had to keep taking breaths as it got faster and fast I was getting dizzy.

I was going and a figure eight I got put back into the kayak I phew times for a breath but then it was the same nightmare over and over sometimes I would be under water for minutes I almost died.

Monday 3 November 2014

Life ed blog post

This graph is showing how addiction works if you were to take a drug you would get a good felling out of it but when you don't have it you feel bad so they take more of it. But they don't get as good of a feeling so they take more and more every time they take it they get less of a good feeling until they get nothing out of it they just need it to feel normal.

Feeling Fantastic = 200
Feeling Normal = 0
Feeling Bad = - 200

Addiction is when you need a Drug to feel Normal.

FAR Faster absorption rates.

REACH WITS Excuse, Assertive, Change subject, Humer,  Walk away, Ignore, Toughen up, Walk away.

MR JM ICE Memory, Reason, Judgment, Mechanical skills, Intellect, Concentration, Emotions.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Life ed blog post

Meth is a drug that is very dangerous to the user and other people. Meth has many names such as Ice, Speed, and Chalk. It is a white and yellow Crystal, it can be put into the body many ways it can be snorted it can be smoked can be injected and it can be swallowed. Meth can cause you to hallucinate causing you to see or hear things that are not there. Meth can increase the heart rate making it likely to have a heart attack or a stroke. Meth can lead to obsessive plucking of hair causing hair to fall out. Meth can affect muscles cause face twitches and arm movement it can also lead to thinking there are bugs in your skin making the user scratch leaving open sores.

    Antoine Dixon was a meth addict him taking the meth he had a reaction to it.That made him angry so he killed 1 person and injured 2 others his weapon was a samurai sword the killing happened in 1968 4 February he had an 11 hour spree of violence and the only reason was because of his meth addiction.

Monday 13 October 2014

My picture book

Book titled 'The great arm wrestle'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Thursday 25 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

Rimu can be found everywhere in the north island and everywhere in the south apart from the mountains. Rimu can also be called Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu is also one of the largest evergreen trees in New Zealand Rimu is also a very good wood to make things out out of it is very popular to be used in making expensive furniture.

Rimu was important to Maori because when it's bark and leaves are boiled it make a lotion for healing wounds.The Rimu tree can grow up to 50 meters and at the top it has weeping branches They can live up to 1000 years Rimu was mostly important to the Moari for it's fruit but when eaten in large quantities it can have a constipation effect but a juice made from Tutu flowers counteracts this.

Rimu is the best tree in the school because it is the most useful and expensive and very easy to find they also grow very tall.And strong they also have many uses and thats why we are the best.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

For my final walk I went to Mc laren's falls park there are many tracks at Mc laren's falls.

First we walked around some of the lake to get to are track the track we went on was the Rimu and Totara track.

We were trying to find a Rimu tree there were lot's that looked like them but eventually we found one.

There is also a cafe there it is on the top of the will information of where all of the tracks start.
There are also fun things like kayaking, swimming, and camping but can't take your dogs there.There are big rocks on the water fall to have a nice refreshing swim in.You can also feed the ducks there very little kids like to do this allot some place are very popular for weddings like on short bridges.I really like going to the falls and is is very enjoyable plus my friend lives there so I get to see him.

Friday 19 September 2014

Rimu homework challenge

On my last birthday I got a film camera and some film. So, for my homework challenge I developed the film at home with my dad.

These are the chemicals and this is the machine we used to develop the film.

There are some complicated instructions  to follow.

We then pored all the chemicals into the machine and waited for them to reach the correct temperature which is 37.8'.

Next we need to get the film out of the canister and into the tank.

This must be done in total darkness which is why my dad made this special room.

The film is now loaded into the tank we are ready to start developing.

We then took the film out of the tank and hung it up in the shower to dry.

You can now see the pictures starting to appear.

Here are some of my picture these have been scanned so you can see then as an image.

Rimu Homework challenge

For my homework challenge I have done another bake off! This time it was a head to head, me vs my brother. Mitchell made full chocolate cup cakes and I made chocolate chip muffins.

Here are all the instructions for the baking the chocolate chip muffins that I made.

I needed to pre heat the oven to 190'C.

I first 2 cups of flour in to the bowl and then placed in 125 grams of butter. I rubbed the butter and flour together until it was finely crumbed.

I then put in 1/2 of a cup of sugar to the mix and one cup of chocolate chips.

I made a well in the centre of the bowl.  I a separate bowl I mixed milk, sour cream, eggs, and golden syrup together.

I then poured the mix into the well and mixed them together until all the dry flower was wet.

I divided the mix into the cup cake tray and put them in the pre heated oven. I left the cup cakes in the oven for 15-18 minutes, I took them out when they were well risen and golden on the top.

I left them in the tray for 2-3 minutes and then ready to serve.

When we finished we had them judged by my mum and my sisters they said they liked the icing on my brothers but my one was the over all best.

Sunday 7 September 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. What causes cavities?
  2. What was the genius idea the scientists at OraganoBalance came up with to try combat cavities?
  3. What was the experiment they conducted to test their thesis? Was it successful?

1.When there is sugar left in your mouth and teeth and Bacteria feef of it causing your teeth to get holes.

2.because the L. paracasei cling on to the streptococci mutans, they do not allow them return to the tooth surface. This means that the simple acts of spitting or swallowing can help reduce the numbers present in the mouth.

3.They got 2 batches of sweets and put bacteria on 1 and one had none on it.

Sunday 31 August 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?
  2. How did the zookeepers celebrate it?
  3. What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?

1.Because he is the only other panda born there apart from his brother.

2.They made signs with symbols on them which are said to give long life they were made from bamboo dipped in honey.

3.Bao Bao can now respond and recognise her name when it is called.

Saturday 30 August 2014

3rd walk

 For this walk I went around The Mount. The Mount has lots of tracks to choose from. The Mount is a very fun place to walk and it seems different every time you walk it. It takes about half an hour walking around. We started walking from the back side at Pilot Bay, the only bad thing about The Mount is you can not take your dogs there, I did not like that.This walk it was only me and my mum, I always like taking my dogs on walks as it's really fun and I like to play with them. Where we started from had lots of maps of The Mount, each course had a time on it and there is also a fishing wharf for boats. In the harbour there are boats of different shapes and sizes and some have different purposes like fishing, water sport and cruise. The mountain also has lots of history, there have been many battles on the mountain and they were all for control over the mountain.Back then it was a great place to live in and a big defensive advantage, because you could see far out and look for war parties and you could only access it from one side. so all attention was focused. The mountain has lots of wild life like birds, pests and sheep, there are lots of fantails on the mount especially at the top.It is also a common place for school trips some go to look at sea life and some plant sand dunes and some people even get to look at traps to catch pests.I also find the weather there weird, like on one side it was hot and sunny on the other cold and windy.The mountains Maori name is MAUAO there are many myths about the mountain like one of them is the mountain was dragged here by pixies. But I really enjoy walking the mount up or around I find it quite fun and I always get an ice cream afterwards.  

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Rimu homework challenge

For this home work challenge I have done music however my video is not working so there are only pictures of me playing but I still have it on there.I think the trumpet is a very fun instrument to learn and I really enjoyed playing it.I have played the trumpet for just over a year but I have only just stopped doing it.There are also lots of books to complete and play there are fun songs as well.There are also songs for a cations like Xmas Birthdays dinner and much more the trumpet is a brass instrument so it is played with air and valves.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Second walk

For my second walk me my Mum Dad and two dogs went to the lakes again but this time we took a different  path I think I liked this walk better as I discovered a new cool park.This park was by far the most interesting and my favourite. When I was down there I looked at the orienteering signs there are lots of the signs you could probably find some without trying. 

Here is one of the many new houses being built at the start of this year there were not many houses but now there are lots more I think their has been and increase of 40 houses.However there are still lots paths to walk I could do 10 of these walks for the challenges.

Rimu homework challenge

For the home work challenges a decided to design a bake off challenge I would do it with one of my sisters and my brother would do it with my other sister. Me and my sister decided to to a large white and milk chocolate cookie and my brother and other sister were doing a chocolate sponge cake.Here are the ingredients for the cookies there are no photos of the ingredients for the cake.We first had to break down the butter and sugar after we had whisked it all we added half of each block of chocolate.Once we had put in all the ingredients we then split the mixture into balls and put them on a baking tray.

We then put them in the oven for 10 minutes but I think we made them too big and one of the trays ended up joining together.I think it was a good fun challenge to do and I really enjoyed it.And here is my brothers and sisters cake.But in the end my Mum and Dad both liked the cookies better yay.

Sunday 17 August 2014

First walk

For my homework challenge I am doing walks around the lakes here is me on my first walk right by the lake.I am with my Mum Dad and two Dogs Sydney and Elvis I think the lakes is a great place to walk run and bike.I really enjoy going to the lakes and I only have to walk 5 minutes to get there.
 Here I am by one of the three parks at the lakes I am trying to balance the sea saw.There is a sea saw and swings at this park there is a big spider web at the second one and a bowl swing at the 3rd one.

Here is me and my Dad standing on the long bridge that goes across the lake with our dogs many people like to race there electronic toy sale boats they also like to set up tracks and courses to race and get the fastest time.But you are not aloud to fish in the lake other wise you will be fined a total of 5000 dollars as the lake would not contain many fish.     
 Here is me and my two dogs on a post by the lakes office the lakes office has tracks to walk for orienteering and it also has houses on the market that are for sale their are also show homes and lots of places to build a house. 

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Rimu homework challenge

I decided to make my own challenge the challenge will be to have a baking competition with a brother or sister and then have it judged by your mum and dad it could be a starter a main or a desert it could be all three and have it timed.It could be like master chief I do not have any pictures because I have not done this challenge yet but I am going to do it in the next 2 days. I still need to sign this off so I am able to do it.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?
  2. What title did Yodie win? What did he do to deserve it?
  3. What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?

1 they are an online sponsor company.

2  Yodie won the title of Britain's naughtiest dog and the owner received 500 pounds.  

3 A cat named stoops is known to open the fridge and lick the top of the milk bottles came third place abd a dog named harry came second for tearing up news papers and magazines. 

Tuesday 22 July 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?
  2. How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began?
    1. What happened in the women's contest? 

1. Joey devoured 61 hot dogs he is famous from the competition.         

2. Joey has won this competition for 7 years in a row and he proposed to his girlfriend before the competition.

3. the three time winning champion Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas who inhaled 34 frankfurters outpacing Sonya's 27.    

Word search

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali inquiry

1. These little parcels are left outside everyday. You see them everywhere. What are they for?
A: they  are called canang sari they are to worship the gods of hinduism and its part of religion and they sometimes leave food in them to show their appreciation.

2. It was the first day back at school when
we arrived. These kids meet their teachers at the beach.
They were  your age
Find out about school in Bali.

Bali International School (BIS) has a rich and proud history back to its humble origins in 1985. Since then the school has grown quickly and now boasts top facilities and an enrolment of 300 people from Preschool through to Grade 12. In spite of our increase in numbers.

3. They have tanks of these fish everywhere. You pay $3 to soak your feet in them for 15 mins. The fish nibble at your feet. Find out what type of fish they are and what they are doing?

4. This was taken at a batik factory. What is batik?

batik is can be used for clothes and table cloths it is a colorful they make it?they die the sheet then they will make little is cloth and they put wax on it how they like there desighn.  

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term two P.M.I


I enjoyed this term because we did lots of dodge ball and I want to get into the team for next term.

I liked this term because I got better at my maths

This term was good because I learnt lots about probability.

This term was cool because got better at reading.


I did not so enjoy this term because there was lots of tests.

This term was not so good because we didi the same sports for round robin.


This term was interesting because I was better at sports than I thought.

I liked this term because I was better at reading maths than I thought.

What was interesting about this term was there were more interesting sports.

It is interesting that there is a skiing team.  

Wednesday 2 July 2014

CE reading

Q: How many researchers examined ancient specimens of poo. A: 50,000

Q: Were was the poo from. A: Southern spain.

Q: What traces did they find in the meat. A: Traces of meat.

Q: What other traces did they find in the poo. A: vegetables and berries.

Q: Who believes that the cave men ate what was avaliable in different climates. A: Anaira Sistiaga

Q: This latest finding comes after the recent discovery of plant microfossils trapped in Neanderthal teeth. A:Neanderthal teeth

Q: Neanderthals were close evolutionary cousins of our own species, Homo sapiens
A: homo sapiens.

Sunday 29 June 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?
  2. How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
  3. What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?


1.On Friday, June 20th, 29 dogs along with their doting owners came to Santa Rosa, Californian to participate in a rather unusual competition - one that seeks out and honors the World's Ugliest Dog'. Now in its 26th year, the contest is one of the biggest attractions at the annual Sonoma County Fair.

2.Peanut got his looks from being caught in a bad fire as a result Peanut lost his lips eye lids and some of his hair. 

3. It is organised by an animal psychiatrist the organiser hosts this event to honor the dogs because many of the dogs looks have been caused of human abuse.

Critical thinking challenge: 

I do not like the title of this event because it is mean to the dogs it is not honoring the dogs calling them ugly it should be changed to worlds tuffest dogs.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Cross country ants perspective

BANG! the gun shot off the race had begun there must have been a million boys charge right at me a scurried to the safety of behind the lane tape.But the hundreds of people cheering on there house knocked me back it to the race.I got caught in a boys grip crevice on the bottom of a shoe and I was carried me across the track I finally broke lose.

But now I was in the race I had to keep moving as fast as I could to keep out of getting stomped over again.When we reached the hill all of the people gained momentum so I had to run even faster soon I was going to be out of energy and I might be stomped on all over again.I pulled to the side before the uphill I looked around the corner to see if there were any more just I few more people went around the corner and I was done.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. What is so special about Migaloo?
  2. Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
  3. Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?


1. Migaloo is special because she is the, only documented  full white humpback whale, and because he does not make a appearance much. Because Migaloo is the only one.

2. Migaloo, which means 'White Fella' in the indigenous Australian language, was first spotted off Australia's Byron Bay in 1991. He is, also hard to spot and he travels down west, and he sneaks off every phew years. Migaloo is a special interest whale and boats have to stay 500 meters away and planes need to stay 2000 meters from the rare whale if you exeed this rule you will be finded  total of 12500$. 

3. Migaloo is called the hypo-pigmented' humpback because of Migaloos white skin in his genetics. 

Critical Thinking Challenge:Do you think Migaloo's special color helps or hurts him from human predators? Why it could make him more venerable to preditors because of his skin and Migaloos rareness. 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
  2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
  3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013.


1.Artists use all kinds of mediums, ranging from snow and sand to even cups of latte, to show off their creativity.Sarah Rosado, decided to pick cereal or to be more precise corn flakes, for her creations.She got het inspiration when she was eating corn flakes for brekfast when listing to old music. 

2.Because Rosado  needs to crush the flakes and it the right size so she can actuarially make her art.She uses a pin to make the mouth nose and eyes she must be very presses.She also needs to pick a face to draw.

3.Among Rosado's many cereal art celebrity creations are 'the king of pop', Michael Jackson, Reggae legend Bob Marley, R&B singer Alicia Keys, as well as, former Beatle, John Lennon.In 2013 she wowed the world with a series of artwork that was made entirely from dirt. We wonder what she will think of next!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

CE reading

Article Comprehension:
  1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?
  2. What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
  3. Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?


1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?the existing record holder - a 112-ft 11-inch tower constructed in August 2013, by students from John Dickinson High School in Wilmington Delaware the students in Budapest wanted to beat the record but they needed to higher pros from Denmark.

2.What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion? The builders secured the structure with wires during construction to ensure that the hundreds of spectators that gathered to watch each day, were not in any danger. However, in order to be eligible for the Guinness World Records.

3.Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon? Because the record was broken three times in 2012 so other people will be attempting to break the record again soon.

Monday 16 June 2014

Ce reading

Article Comprehension:

  1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?
  2. How did they turn this way?
  3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?

  1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?It is unusual that the Nyanyana crocs would change there diet after they have been eating meat for so long but they are now 100% vegetarian.   
2. How did they turn this way? The crocs turned this way because the was a low money rate in Africa so they could not afford meat so they mixed meat with vegetables and they liked it so they changed there diet to only   vegetables pellets 
3.What are the crocodiles being bred for?The crocs are being bred for there skin that is sold to European get off my skin pharmacists and shoe and ham bag companies in Africa they noticed that the crocs skin is softer and the crocs are allot more mellower this makes it safer for the cleaners to clean the crocs habitats. 

Critical thinking:

How do you feel about the crocs being killed do you think it is different to a pig or a cow?
I do not know what makes the crocs skin softer but i know it makes the skin softer because of the vegetables. 

Sunday 15 June 2014

CE reading

Article comprehension: 


1 Why did Malavath decide to climb the mountain? is there a youngest male and who was the youngest female before her.
2 How many days did it take them to conquer the mountain and what was the temp richer when they climbed the mountain.
3 Why did she get to climb the mountain and how did she get to the mountain. What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp.At which base camp did they have to get took 52 days for the team to get to the summit. 

Word search: